Feed The Future – International Training Program for Developing Countries
Kudumbashree being one of the global best practices for poverty eradication and women empowerment has been selected as one of the partners for the Feed the Future – International training program. Feed the Future program is Indo-US joint program, aimed at helping developing countries of Africa and Asia to emulate the successful model adopted by India in agriculture and poverty reduction. Through this program, 25 developing countries has been identified across the two continents. The training provides an in depth knowledge sharing experience for selected delegates from these countries on best practices and innovations in India Based on the demand from the participating countries, the first international training program was conducted at KILA, Kerala Institute of Local Administration, Thrissur. 25 Delegated from 8 countries were selected and provided a 15-day immersion on the Kudumbashree model from March 01- March 15 2017. The 15-day training encompassed class room session handled by the experts of Kudumbashree, field immersion to best practicing models, case studies and in depth discussion on the identifying the issues of the partnering countries and its possible customisation of the learning to suite the country specific demands. Based on the discussion each of participants developed concrete back to work plans for implementing the learnings in most appropriate manner. Kudumbashree has been constantly monitoring the progress and supporting the back the work implemented in their respective countries.
Uganda – International Training Program
Uganda, the pearl of Africa and renowned for Lake Victoria, is one of the emerging countries from the continent of Africa. Reflecting on the success of the Kudumbashree model for women empowerment and poverty reduction, government of Uganda, through the feed the future program invited Kudumbashree to provide a training session for officials of Uganda on the prospect of the adopting the similar model according to the regional conditions. Accordingly, Kudumbashree undertook a 10-day training for 57 participants, selected from the varied field and discipline. The training was imparted by the experts from Kudumbashree and also supported by MANAGE. The training focused on the institutional architecture of the Kudumbashree and the community approaches undertaken for poverty eradication and women empowerment. The training program was well appreciated by the Government of Uganda, and has been identified as practice to be supported by all streams of government. Also based on the response Uganda has been proposed as a regional training hub for East African partner countries for the FTF ITT program.
Tajikistan is a land locked country in the Central Asia It is bordered by Afghanistan to the south, Uzbekistan to the west, Kyrgyzstan to the north, and China to the east. Tajikistan Oxfam, in order to identify the best practices in women empowerment, poverty eradication and local governance zeroed in on Kudumbashree model of the Kerala. Accordingly, an immersion training for the ministers and higher officials of Tajikistan government was planned and conducted. The training was conducted during for one week from Dec 17- Dec 24, 2017 at Trivandrum Kerala. Minister for women and gender, and Minister for Law participated along with staff from the Presidents office and national level team of the Oxfam Tajikistan. The training mainly focussed on the developmental approach of Kudumbashree, keeping women as the centre of the activity. The Kudumbashree model was well appreciated by the participants, and will be explored more for introducing similar model of development back in Tajikistan.
Feed the Future India Triangular Program - 3rd Training Program - Trivandrum Kerala
Kudumbashree is one of the training partners for the Feed the Future – India Triangular program (FTF-ITT). Kudumbashree has been identified as best practise in women empowerment and poverty eradication and three international training programs were handled by the Kudumbashree. The third training under this program was organised from May 09- May 23, 2018 by Kudumbashree for 23 delegates from countries Mangolia, Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, and Liberia. The training programs has helped the delegates to have a better understanding of the Kudumbashree programs and are willingly to adopt the similar model in their respective country. The training program was huge success with a feedback of 9.57 received out of 10, and the valedictory function was attended by the Honourable Minster for Local self governments, Dr K.T Jaleel.
Kudumbashree at Azerbaijan
The second phase training for replicating the Kudumbashree Model of poverty alleviation in Azerbaijan started in September 2018. The two week training is being extended under the leadership of Kudumbashree NRO which was recognized by the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India, to provide support to other States in their poverty eradication efforts. Government of Azerbaijan had shown interest on Kudumbashree's organisational structure as well as in Micro Enterprises ad vulnerability studies and had approached Kudumbashree Mission during October 2017. As per the request, a group of officials from Kudumbashree had visited Azerbaijan and extended first phase training. It is on continuation with that the second phase training is being initiated.

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